Enable bidding location for projects.

Measure materials needed digitally

Improve the accuracy of bids

Be able to view stationing while walking on-site pre construction

Stationing Software That’s Easy to Use and Love

OnStation Can Help You Win More Bids

  • Lower Your Bids

    All bids include line items including surveying, sampling and testing, construction induced maintenance (CIM), and other factors that go into the cost of the project. With digital stationing there is no staking/re-staking and all tests can be captured digitally… one time!

  • Improve Material Estimates

    Digital stationing gives you the confidence to ask important questions to prevent assumptions. As a result, estimators can reduce contingencies and put more accurate bids together.

  • Increase Design Visualization

    Get the full picture of the project before any work or staking has begun. Right of way, edge of pavement, traffic control, and many more - each of these layers can be seamlessly viewed as overlays on top of the project stationing.

FREE Stationing Training

Our stationing experts created these training videos to help individuals in the industry learn about the most important aspect of a job… Location!


Integrates with other software

Bring all your tools into one place. If you’re not ready to replace all your tools, OnStation can integration with them. Sync your daily diaries, forms, pictures, and more to keep everything in one place.